Friday, 12 December 2014

College #6

Amuahahahahahaahahaha it's finally the long-waited semester break! It's the longest break I'll ever have throughout my whole programme. Ikr, so heartbreaking.

Had been staying on my zombie mode throughout the semester exam and after one whole week of holiday I finally have my energy and time back to do my own stuff, like blogging. Heh. Humans need to recharge yeah. Heeeee. x)

Speaking of semester exam, HAHAHAHAHHAA. I used the crap-and-hope method. What I did was just crap whatever I know and hope for the best. Which will not probably happen but bleh just hope. 
I really hope I didn't fail my Chemistry, I JUST FREAKING WANT A PASS. Not bragging or what but trust me, this is the first time I feel I'd fail a subject lol. 

It's semester break let's not talk about academics.

Here comes all my photos.

Wow this was so long ago wow I didn't have time to post this?! 
P/s: This has nothing to do with my college stuff though.

Heh these people, I love. The shitties whom I can fart in front of. Wheeeee x) And I'm baking with them tomorrow! Tbh I'm excited heh. We're gonna bake strawberry cake muahaha.

And this was my first volunteer event - Kuala Lumpur Eco Film Festival @ Publika.
Didn't do much work though, I felt kinda bad for taking pictures all the way instead of helping out lmao but blah I had fun neninenibubu.

The edited effect is so dreamy :o

Aww my favourite series!

They even have people in the cargo cabin all dressed up and stuff acting as zombies, they're so cute but they don't look as dumb as zombies in The Walking Dead ahahaha too bad LOL.

Second volunteer event - MAKNA Founder Night Run @ Putrajaya.

With my baby Mickey. 

There's this new restaurant launched a few months back, in front of Sunway College - After Black. 
So one Friday my housemates and I decided to give it a try la. I was there first since my class ended earlier so I glanced through the menu. First of all the interior design is nice, the price is reasonable too (they serve western brunch fyi). After everyone came we placed our order BUT AFTER 45 MINUTES THE FOOD WASN'T SERVED YET. AND I WAS IN RUSH FOR ANOTHER CLASS.
I got kinda mad on this cause I was there early they should serve me first, they served other tables instead. How could I not go mad?! So I cancelled the order right then, with all my emotions shown on my face, hah. BUT, the waitress didn't show any sign of guilt! She didn't even say sorry wtf. WHAT KIND OF SERVICE IS THIS. IT JUST RUINED MY WHOLE FRIDAY AFTERNOON WTF. My friends said the food there tasted good but I will only go back after I'm not angry with them anymore! Hmph.

This was taken before all the huu-haas. lol.

-This has nothing to do with college as well.-

Went back to Sin Chew bao guan that day and met all the old friends. We're just as close as how we used to be, time passed, but the relationship never change. I'm glad, I'm so grateful to have them in my life. 

I've never realised the scenery from the 5th floor is so nice, till then...

The streets, where we had our laughters.

Aites. Needa bake strawberry cake tomorrow. Nights!


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