Friday, 8 March 2013

Chinese paper

Today's Chinese paper wasn't as hard as what I expected. Was lucky cause teacher didn't teacher the last part of 名句 so we're getting free tips from 叶老师 wahaha.
Frankly speaking I'm not really satisfied on those adjustments 老师 did on my 散文. As what she told these are our 创作 so she couldn't change much. There's a lil lil tiny winy difference in meanings and styles after those changes lol. Never mind, sentences are better though.
Before leaving for Chinese test today Alyssa and I were at 5 Omega studying 修辞手法 and stuff and so luckily it came out lololol. I saw Belinda being super serious studying in the class o.o Here comes my motivation. I feel like studying with her this weekend. Shall ask her later xD
And my study mode is officially on! Right after this blog post. Lemme have a study priority plan first. That is private :x shhh hehhehehe.

ps, My hair is getting long! I'm expecting a moderate length ;)

Talking about hair my didi refused to have a nice hair cut cause he's afraid of his discipline teacher in school lol.

Yesterday in the car my kindergarten mate Wei Wen said that he's super interested for xueji. Lol. Ask him to study hao hao lai don't wanna do so. Even Aunty Winnie agrees to what I say haha yala her son really 没大志 one lol. Next time no girl like I sure laugh loud loud.

I think I needa call Aunty Winnie for transport again. Huuuuuu.
Chem tuition. Vaivai.

A picture of my modified 散文. I need a title :o

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